
How to Pass the PPR TExES Test

How to Pass the PPR TExES Test

The PPR TExES test is part of a battery of criterion-referenced exams to measure the knowledge of teaching aspirants. The exam has multiple choice questions and constructed response questions. There are preparation manuals available for this specific test. This specific test is a computer-administered/CAT test. Additionally, TExES is broken up into content and pedagogy/PPR test. The content and PPR test must both be passed for obtaining teaching certification. The test can only be taken a limited number of times. So understanding the test, and studying strategically is the key.

Understanding the Test

The questions asked in the test require a student-centered or student-first answer. Including key terms and buzzwords is also important. Your responses should always put the student’s interests first. Answers offered must also be age and grade-appropriate. tx.nesinc.com publishes a testing framework for the PPR exam that provides information about test content and how domains are weighted. While preparing for the TExES PPR test, you need to work on portions that have a higher weightage. Further review of your competencies will help.

Play To Your Strengths

Good test prep classes like Teacher Builder help you to play to your strengths. Feeling confident is as important as being competent. Take diagnostic evaluations and study areas where you excel. Play to your strengths and practice those sections which offer maximum weightage. For a passing score, preparation is a must. Master the skills when it comes to canceling out incorrect answers.

Zero in on multiple-choice answers that are obviously wrong. This can help you to get to the right answers faster. Watch out for clues in questions and use time management to your advantage. As a teacher, sharp memory tools like symbols and mnemonics can also prove invaluable. Find help and enroll for quality online teaching certification programs that make it easier to overcome obstacles one step at a time. Teacher certification, after all, is an important milestone in your professional journey.

Areas of Certification


This article does not contain legal, educational, or government advice. As regulations can change from time to time, readers are advised to check with their local education departments to receive up-to-date information.


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